
Jillian Marie Browning

Selected Works

Through the use of historic photographic processes and other multi-disciplinary technique I explore the concept of feminine identity through the lens of the contemporary black experience. Utilizing self portraiture, my work often deals with the intersection of feminism and race, and how the two are constructed through the investigation of social, familial, and gender roles. Additionally, my work considers the way in which personal identity is assembled through one’s body image and racial identity.

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A Soft Human Impersonating Hard Stone, 2013

white clay on sad human body

Relative, 2021

Cyanotype on cotton fabric

Instillation shot of Relative to show size.

Instillation shot of Relative to show size.

Southern Trees Bear Strange Fruit, 2017 Runtime 03:02

laser print gel medium transfers hung in pine forest

Painting The Rebel Flag Black, 2016Runtime 05:27

Painting The Rebel Flag Black, 2016

Runtime 05:27

Matriarchal Line, 2018

cyanotype of human hair on cotton fabric in wooden embroidery hoops (various sizes)

Descendents, 2019

light sensitive pigment on cotton fabric

mist::missed, 2020

light sensitive pigment on cotton paper

Do As The Masters Do…, 2017

silver gelatin prints

Run Your Fingers Through My Hair, 2019digital inkjet print and transparency

Run Your Fingers Through My Hair, 2019

digital inkjet print and transparency

Run Your Fingers Through My Hair, 2018 Runtime 03:54

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I Take Up This Much Space, 2015 Runtime 01:23

Southern Gentle Lady, 2018-2020

cyanotype on cotton bedsheets, cotton fabric

Is It Worth Dying For, 2019digital inkjet print

Is It Worth Dying For, 2019

digital inkjet print